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How To Take Care Of Your Cats
DateJul.30,2022 by #

Over thousands of years, cats were domesticated by humans.cats, Compared to dogs, are more independent, but they are also very much in need of love and care. Therefore,masters can not be careless, so how to take care of your kitten scientifically and responsibly?


Try to keep your cat indoors and in a shelter that is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Please prepare a warm and comfortable nest for him, preferably if with shield.

Food and water

1. please choose a suitable cat food which is full of nutrition, in addition,remember to give it more protein and fat supplement.

2. Be sure to provide your cat with fresh food and drinking water in your daily life.

Master accompany

3. Cats, Unlike dogs, don't need to be taken outside by master to exercise every day, but master shall remember to play with their cats in their leisure time.

4. Cats also need to be cared by their owners, masters can gently pet the cat, let it feel love from masters

The physical and mental health

1. Cats need regular checkups and owners need to be aware of their cat's physical condition.

2. Cats need regular baths, manicures, and deworming.

3. The cat's house must be kept clean and tidy.

4. Cats need to keep their teeth clean and seek medical attention as soon as possible if they become discolored or loose.

To prevent injection

Owners need to take their cats for regular vaccinations to prevent disease.


Regular grooming

Cats need to be groomed regularly to avoid sticking., especially long-haired cats, Regular grooming for the cat can also observe whether there are parasites on its body, which is benificial for early detection and early treatment.

Sterilize for regular breeding

If you don't want to breed kittens, be aware of the following:

Owners are requested to take their cats to a professional organization as soon as possible to exam and to arrange a spay or neuter operation.

To be sure After neutering cats, normal life will not be affected.

Spayed and neutered cats are effective at reducing estrus behavior and reducing the risk of certain diseases.


If you want to breed kittens, keep the following in mind:

Masters need to be clear that if they are able to provide a suitable homes for all their kittens.

Kittens need to live with their mother for at least three months after birth which is very indispensable for cats to socialize and maintain their health.

We need to notice that it is physically detrimental for female cat to frequently give birth to catbaby.

Pregnant and lactating female cats need extra care and more nutritious food.

After about three months of feeding, the kittens can gradually try other food.

Mother cats are naturally very protective of their kittens. Please provide them with a safe and comfortable place to rest.

Finally! We sincerely suggest adopting instead of buying so that to give homeless children a warm home.
